
Why choose it?

Since everybody and their mother is getting into web development, if you try to search for which languages/frameworks are most in-demand, you’ll often hear about Springboot, .NET, and Node.JS.

Why? Because big companies have many job opportunities for them. Enterprise Languages

But there’s a better path.

Pick the tools that you find easy to learn, and fun to work with. Don’t fall to the herd mentality. Remember, if you become an exceptional programmer, you will find opportunities.

Big companies might limit your growth. You’ll use their old tools and follow strict rules. But in startups, you get to explore and grow fast.

And here’s the thing: using modern, flexible tech stacks aligns perfectly with the fast-paced, growth-oriented environment of startups.

So, presenting to you…

The holy stack

The Holy Stack

  • Python (Django)
  • HTMX
  • Hyperscript
  • TailwindCSS

Learn these tools, and you’ll be a one man army on the web development front. They’re not only powerful, but also fun as heck to work with.

In fact, this whole platform was built with them - and it was a breeze.

Go ahead and Right Click > Inspect the yellow button from the landing page. Double-click inside Inspector to see the whole HTML element, and look at the underscore _ attribute - that’s _hyperscript.

This course will teach you how to master The Holy Stack.

Disclaimer: While this tech stack boosts productivity, they’re just tools. I’d switch for better options. What matters more is the skill behind the screen.

The Learning Approach

The Different Approach

You have to struggle a bit at first, and opportunities will arise.

In terms of technical skills, a project-based approach is the best way to learn, by far.

Playing, breaking, and fixing your own work is irreplaceable in terms of gaining a deeper understanding.

However, building useless “To Do List” apps just for the sake of learning is not fun. 😕 To Do List App

I’ll share a quick story to highlight my approach for learning as much as possible while doing something.

I was seeking clients for WordPress websites.

With what little Python I knew, I built a script that scraped local businesses from the web and put them in an Excel sheet. After several cold calling attempts, I realized that going to present my offer in person had a higher success rate.

I found myself in a doctor’s office. Sweaty hands and trembling voice, I offered a landing page for his dental clinic, in exchange for €500 - and he accepted! ✅

As it turns out, he was also the director of a large Contract Research Organization and, impressed by my 17-year-old self’s initiative, he offered me a job as an IT support at his company.

So, I also landed my first job! ✅

As an employee, I continued with this exact same strategy.

The company lacked several digital automations (they were phone calling each other for approval processes), so I proposed building some.

Using what little WordPress I knew at the time, I stitched together two “web applications”, using a truckload of plugins.

They were ugly as heck. (I was on a tight deadline 👉👈) Old Ugly Internal App But I solved their problems! ✅

Eager to move from WordPress to Django, I suggested redesigning & rebuilding the web apps for better scalability and long-term use.

As a bonus - I also used the apps’ ugliness as an excuse (make the best of what you have, right?).

My proposal got approved. ✅

This led to a promotion, a pay raise, and - with some functional temporary solutions in place - I wasn’t pressured by tight deadlines anymore.

This gave me the chance to start experimenting and getting better at Django every day while getting paid. It was awesome.

I ended up building a pretty sleek, well-performing, maybe slightly overengineered, web application in Django. New Internal App 1 New Internal App 2

So, what’s the point?

This learning method emphasizes using real opportunities for the sake of learning, instead of pre-studying the subjects.

I’m not saying it’s the best approach for everyone - but hey, it worked out really great for me thus far, so I want to share it with you.

It’s a 3-step process:

  1. Identify what you want to learn
  2. Pro-actively seek opportunities to apply that skill
  3. Use any means (existing resources, libraries, tools, tutorials) to create something, and make it great (unless you need an excuse to improve it afterwards 😉)

This makes the learning process way more meaningful, and also makes it a lot less likely to give up halfway - because someone is actually expecting your project!

Although it sounds simple on paper, I can’t say the implementation was even remotely easy for me.

This is not an approach that’s feasible for just anyone. It really helps if you’re naturally handy, and like figuring out stuff by yourself.

It’s also a process that includes lots of mistakes, stress, frustration and discouragement. This is what I’m building this course for, though. I’ll help you avoid those.

I will help you master The Ultimate Learning Approach.

So… Why choose this project?

A New Path

I want to share a new path - one of passion.

It involves pro-active struggle, dedication and a striving for excellence in everything you’re doing.

It involves seeking knowledge, rather than a quick shortcut to 💸.

It involves working harder than your peers.

It involves taking the more difficult route in the short term, in exchange for a better return in the long one.

It involves focusing only on your next step, but with a direction in mind.

The return is an indispensable satisfaction for your work.